Tuesday, September 21, 2010

what is parsimonious by pointer?


It is that piece you see on your screen that your mouse controls.

Sometimes it looks similar to an arrow, sometimes like a mitt, other times like an hourglass, and when you move your mouse, it moves beside you, that is your pointer.
powerfully it means a great deal of things.
Hi Dear;

Well you have'nt mentioned details with your Q.anyway contained by general pointers are used surrounded by programming languages such as c++ or java.Its largest function is to point to some address which is being stored already.e.g int *a; "*" used to describe a pointer.for further assistance visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/reference_%...

With regard =adil=
there r abundant meanings.............tooooo laid-back 2 type 'em
pointer means your aim contained by future

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